Hervé Perdriolle invite you in his new art gallery in apartment in the heart of the Latin Quarter, rue Gay Lussac, Paris, to discover his collection of tribal & folk Indian contemporary arts. Visit by apointment only.
Hervé Perdriolle vous invite à découvrir sa collection d'art contemporain rural de l'Inde dans son appartement galerie, rue Gay Lussac à Paris. Visite individuelle et de groupe sur rendez-vous.
> Presentation and contact
Prince Claus Award 2009 : Jivya Soma Mashe
Jivya Soma Mashe is honoured for his creative reinvention of an art vocabulary that was disappearing, for his vivid representation of the Warli vision of nature and culture in equilibrium, for highlighting the contemporary relevance of local forms of knowledge, and for his significant contribution to the culture and development of the tribal peoples.
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